#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #--------------------------------------------- # 抓上市與上櫃各股相關資料 # Version : 1.1 # Author : Amin white # Release Date : 2012-01-01 # Python version : 2.7.2 #--------------------------------------------- import csv, time, codecs, urllib, os from sgmllib import SGMLParser def main(): stockkind = ["sii", "otc"] stocktype = [u"上市", u"上櫃"] stocknoclass = ({ "01": u"水泥工業", "02": u"食品工業", "03": u"塑膠工業", "04": u"紡織纖維", "05": u"電機機械", "06": u"電器電纜", "07": u"化學生技醫療", "08": u"玻璃陶瓷", "09": u"造紙工業", "10": u"鋼鐵工業", "11": u"橡膠工業", "12": u"汽車工業", "13": u"電子工業", "14": u"建材營造", "15": u"航運業", "16": u"觀光事業", "17": u"金融保險業", "18": u"貿易百貨", "19": u"綜合企業", "20": u"其他", "21": u"化學工業", "22": u"生技醫療業", "23": u"油電燃氣業", "24": u"半導體業", "25": u"電腦及週邊設備業", "26": u"光電業", "27": u"通信網路業", "28": u"電子零組件業", "29": u"電子通路業", "30": u"資訊服務業", "31": u"其他電子業", "91": u"存託憑證"}) #指定儲存的路徑,可自行變更儲存路徑 workdir = 'D:\\stock_database\\' if not os.path.isdir(workdir): os.makedirs(workdir) savefile = workdir + 'stockinfo.csv' #開始寫入檔案準備 writefile = file(savefile, 'wb') #指定檔案以UTF8儲存 writefile.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) #指定CSV檔分隔的方式 writer = csv.writer(writefile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) #寫入欄位說明 writer.writerow([u'股票代號'.encode('utf8'), u'股票種類'.encode('utf8'), u'產業分類編號'.encode('utf8'), \ u'產業分類名稱'.encode('utf8'), u'公司名稱'.encode('utf8'), u'公司資本額'.encode('utf8'),\ u'公司地址'.encode('utf8'), u'公司電話'.encode('utf8'), u'公司開幕日'.encode('utf8'), \ u'公司上市上櫃日'.encode('utf8')]) for i in range(0, len(stockkind)): kindname = stockkind[i] cstocktype= stocktype[i] count = 0 for classno in sorted(stocknoclass.items(), key=lambda stocknoclass:stocknoclass[0], reverse = False): #個股票網址 url = "http://mops.twse.com.tw/mops/web/ajax_t51sb01?step=1&firstin=1&TYPEK=%s&code=%s" %(kindname, classno[0]) #解析網頁開始 webcode = urllib.urlopen(url) if webcode.code == 200: stock = ParseWebData() stock.parse(webcode.read()) webcode.close() stock.close() if stock.webexist: print kindname + " " + classno[0] + " " + classno[1] + " web parser OK......" else: print kindname + " " + classno[0] + " " + classno[1] + " not exist......" continue; for j in range(0, len(stock.stockid)): #處理中文編碼 stockid = unicode(stock.stockid[j],"utf-8") companyname = unicode(stock.stockcompanyname[j],"utf-8") companyaddress = unicode(stock.stockcompanyaddress[j],"utf-8") companytel = unicode(stock.stockcompanytel[j],"utf-8") companyopendate = unicode(stock.stockcompanyopendate[j],"utf-8") companylistingdate = unicode(stock.stockcompanylistingdate[j],"utf-8") companycapital = unicode(stock.stockcompanycapital[j],"utf-8") #寫入股票資料 writer.writerow([ '%s' %stockid.encode('utf8'), '%s' %cstocktype.encode('utf8'), '%s' %classno[0].encode('utf8'),\ '%s' %classno[1].encode('utf8'), '%s' %companyname.encode('utf8'), '%s' %companycapital.encode('utf8'),\ '%s' %companyaddress.encode('utf8'), '%s' %companytel.encode('utf8'), '%s' %companylistingdate.encode('utf8'), \ '%s' %companyopendate.encode('utf8')]) count += 1 print kindname + " " + classno[0] + " " + classno[1] + " data write to csv OK......\n" if(count%6) == 0: time.sleep(10) #關閉檔案 writefile.close() class ParseWebData(SGMLParser): #初始化class等同constructor def __init__(self): SGMLParser.__init__(self) #初始化變數數值 def reset(self): SGMLParser.reset(self) self.webexist = False self.nowrapflag = False self.styleflag = False self.nowrapcount = 0 self.stylecount = 0 self.stockcompanyname = [] self.stockcompanyaddress = [] self.stockcompanytel = [] self.stockcompanyopendate = [] self.stockcompanylistingdate = [] self.stockcompanycapital = [] self.stockid = [] def parse(self,data): self.feed(data) self.close() def start_table(self, attrs): if attrs[0][0] == 'class' and attrs[0][1] == 'noBorder': self.webexist = True def start_td(self, attrs): for name, value in attrs: if len(attrs) == 1: if name == 'nowrap': self.nowrapflag = True self.nowrapcount += 1 elif len(attrs) == 2: #print len(attrs) if name == 'style': if value == 'text-align:left !important;' or value == 'text-align:right !important;': self.styleflag = True self.stylecount += 1 def handle_data(self, text): if self.nowrapflag : if self.nowrapcount == 1: self.stockid.append(text) #print "stockid : " + text self.nowrapflag = False elif self.nowrapcount == 7: self.stockcompanyopendate.append(text) #print "opendate : " + text self.nowrapflag = False elif self.nowrapcount == 8: self.stockcompanylistingdate.append(text) #print "listingdate : " + text self.nowrapflag = False elif self.nowrapcount == 10: self.nowrapcount = 0 self.nowrapflag = False if self.styleflag : if self.stylecount == 1: self.stockcompanyname.append(text) #print "name : " + text self.styleflag = False elif self.stylecount == 2: self.stockcompanyaddress.append(text) #print "address : " + text self.styleflag = False elif self.stylecount == 4: self.stockcompanytel.append(text) #print "tel : " + text self.styleflag = False elif self.stylecount == 5: self.stockcompanycapital.append(text.strip().replace(",", "")) #print "capital : " + text.strip().replace(",", "") self.styleflag = False elif self.stylecount == 14: self.stylecount = 0 self.styleflag = False if __name__ == "__main__": main()
我是Amin,喜好整合軟體之間的應用至數據分析,如Excel VBA、Python、C/C++、C#、JavaScript、Google Apps Script、Batch、MultiCharts的相互應用,歡迎各領域同好相互討論,創造人生精采的火花
2012年8月12日 星期日