Step 1. 佈署網路應用程式。
Step 2. 指定發布版本。
Step 3. 授權檔案。
Step 4. 允許存取。
Step 5. 取得網路應用程式URL。
Python 2.7
import requests def SendDataToGoogleSheet(): url = "你的Google網路應用程式連結" payload = {'price':10049, 'mkt':813, 'bgac':470, 'smac':191 } resp=requests.get(url, params=payload) print resp.text def main(): SendDataToGoogleSheet() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
library(httr) url <- "你的Google網路應用程式連結" postdata <- list("price"=10069, "mkt"=611, "bgac"=1876, "smac"=333) req <- GET(url, query = postdata, encode="from") status <- content(req , as ="text", encoding="utf-8") status
Excel VBA
Sub SendMessage() Dim oXML As Object Dim URL As String, para As String Dim price As Long, mkt As Long, bgac As Long, smac As Long price = 10069 mkt = 611 bgac = 1876 smac = 333 para = "price=" & price & "&mkt=" & mkt & "&bgac=" & bgac & "&smac=" & smac '傳送訊息網址 URL = "你的Google網路應用程式連結?" & para '建立Ajax物件 Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") With oXML '使用同步傳輸 .Open "GET", URL, 0 '執行Ajax傳送 .send '顯示回報內容 Debug.Print .responseText End With '釋放物件資源 Set oXML = Nothing End Sub
Excel VBA 操作影片
- INSERT INTO Google Sheet with Google Apps Script using POST/GET methods (with ajax example)
- GET and POST Requests in Google Apps Script
- doGet and doPost Tutorial + 6 Web App Examples
- GASでGetパラメータを受け取ってスプレッドシートに書き込む方法